Podcast Bibliography The document link will open in a separate tab/window. TopicTitleAuthorPublishing DateLanguage BucharestBucurestiul Evreiesc disparutAdrian Grauenfels2013Romanian BucharestMartori tacuti. strazi, sinagogi si magazine din BucurestiAnca Ciuciu2010Romanian BucharestCartierul evreiesc Dudesti-Vacaresti in BucurestiUnknown Bucharest website2010Romanian CultureThe Interwar Intellectuals and the Romanian Extreme RightAdrian Marcu2015English CultureThe story of the Yiddish theatre in RomaniaAlexandra Ionel2021English CultureThe multilayered identity of Tristan Tzara and Marcel JancoAlexandru Bar2018English CultureJewish painters in Romania 1848-1948Amelia Pavel1996English & Romanian CulturePe urmele lui Marcel Iancu prin cartierul EvreiescAndreea Apostu2015Romanian CultureMihail Sebastian si Mircea Eliade: Cronica unei prietenii accidentaleAndrei Oisteanu2007Romanian CultureSpeaking East: The Strange and Enchanted Life of Isidore IsouAndrew Hussey2021English CultureBeauty of Simplicity: Bucharest ModernismBucarestian website2013English CultureVictor Brauner – Inventions and MagicCamille Morando2023English & Romanian CultureWays of looking at Tristan TzaraElisabeth Legge2009English CultureDada: Art and Anti-ArtHans Richter1964English CultureContributia Evreilor din Romania la cultura si civilizatieHarry Kuller1996Romanian CulturePresa Evreiască Bucureșteană: 1857 – 1994 Harry Kuller1996Romanian CultureSurrealism: Desire UnboundJennifer Mundy2001English CultureEminescu and the pattern of Romanian antisemitismLucian Butaru2012Romanian CultureTaTa Dada: The Real Life and Celestial Adventures of Tristan TzaraMarius Hentea2014English CultureJournal 1935–1944: The Fascist Years Mihail Sebastian2000English CultureFor Two Thousand YearsMihail Sebastian2017English CultureVictor Brauner. Je suis le rêve. Je suis l’inspirationMusee D’Art Moderne de Paris2020French CultureThe Romanian Surrealism before the WarOvidiu Morar2021English CultureFrom Dada to Surrealism Jewish avant-garde artists from Romania, 1910-1938Radu Stern & Edward von Voolen2011English & Dutch CultureDadaismRollon Santos Sumalbag Sunga Teodosio2020English CultureSingur – Viața lui Mihail SebastianTatiana Niculescu2022Romanian CultureDada EastTom Sandquist2006English CultureDada ManifestoTristan Tzara1918English CultureTeatrul Evreiesc din BucureștiUniversitatea București, Facultatea de LitereEnglish CultureThe Rise of Surrealism: Cubism, Dada, and the Pursuit of the MarvelousWillard Bohn2002English CultureVictor Brauner : livres illustrés : catalogue raisonnéMichael Ilk2009French HasidismHasidism: A New HistoryDavid Biale, David Assaf2017English HasidismPost-Holocaust Immigration and Hassidic Leadership: The Cases of Viznitz and SatmarMenachem Kratz2024English HasidismThe origins of Hasidism Rachel Elior2019English HasidismHaredi JudaismWikipedia websiteEnglish HasidismChabadWikipedia websiteEnglish HasidismHasidic JudaismWikipedia websiteEnglish HistoryThe wandering Jew has arrivedAlbert Londres2017English HistoryHistorical Implications of Jewish Surnames in the Old Kingdom of RomaniaAlexander Avram2021English HistoryEvreii in Tarile RomaneAnastase Haciu1941Romanian HistoryInventing the Jew: Antisemitic Stereotypes in Romanian and Other Central-East European CulturesAndrei Oisteanu2009English HistoryImaginea evreului în cultura românăAndrei Oisteanu2012Romanian HistoryEvreii din România în texte istoriograficAntologie2004Romanian HistoryComunitati Evreiesti din Romania 1818-1959Arhivele Nationale RomaniaRomanian HistoryDupa 4000 de aniBoris Marian2008Romanian HistoryJews in the Ottoman Foreign Service dispatched in the Romanian PrincipalitiesBulent Senay2020English HistoryJews in Romania, 1866-1919: From Exclusion to EmancipationCarol Iancu1996English HistoryBrève histoire des Juifs en RoumanieCarol Iancu2012French HistoryLes Juifs En Roumanie (1919-1938). de l’Emancipation a la MarginalisationCarol Iancu1996French HistoryMemoria cimitirelor EvreiestiComunitatea Evreilor din Bucuresti2007Romanian HistoryCimitirul Filatropia in BucurestiComunitatea Evreilor din Bucuresti2015Romanian HistoryPopulatia Evreiasca in cifre Congresul Mondial Evreesc, sectiunea din Romania1945Romanian HistoryThe Jews in Roman Dacia Cosmin Onofrei2014English HistoryDin viata unui Evreu RomanDr. Adolphe Stern1915Romanian HistoryThe Jews of Roumania From The Earliest Times To The Present DayDr. Elias Schwarzfeld1901English HistoryLes Persécutions des Juifs en RoumanieDr. S. Bernstein1918French HistoryDin istoria EvreilorDr. Elias Schwarzfeld1914Romanian HistoryHaskalah Herman Rosenthal, Peter Wiernik2009English HistoryThe first archaeological discoveries attesting the presence of Jews in the geographical area of RomaniaEvelyn Ciocan2024English HistoryPalestine and Romania H. Z. Shneerson1872English HistoryLes Juifs en RoumanieHarry Carasso1997French HistoryRevista Istorica nr 3-4 al Institutul de istorie Nicolae IorgaInstitutul de istorie Nicolae Iorga2005Romanian HistoryIstoria BasarabieiIon Nistor1923Romanian HistoryConstructed Jewish Spaces. Exploring Traces in 19th Century MoldaviaIrina-Teodora Nemteanu2023English HistoryHistory of the Sudits of RomaniaJewishGen websiteEnglish HistoryLa question JuiveLeon Trotsky1913French HistoryLe retour des Juifs en RoumanieMirel Bran2007French HistoryCultural Legacy of the Pre-Ashkenazic Jews in Eastern EuropeMoshe Taube2023English HistoryEvreii in provinciile DaciceNicolae Gudea2000Romanian HistoryThe Ransom of the Jews: The Story of the Extraordinary Secret Bargain Between Romania and Israel Radu Ioanid2021English HistoryAna Pauker: The Rise and Fall of a Jewish CommunistRobert Levy2001English HistoryThe Jewish Cultural Patrimony in RomaniaLiviu Rotman2012English HistoryThe Age of the Jewish Population in RomaniaSilviu Costachie2010English HistoryRomanian SuditsThe Asmonean newspaper1855English HistoryHistoric Jewish sites in RomaniaUnited States Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad2010English HistoryLa Roumanie et les JuifsVerax (Radu Rosetti)1903French HistoryHistory of the Jews in RomaniaWikipedia websiteEnglish HistoryRomanian Jews Moldova BotosaniYad Vashem Pinkas Hakehillot1969English HistoryRomanian Jews Moldova IasiYad Vashem Pinkas Hakehillot1969English HolocaustHolocaust survivors respond – Iancu TucarmanAssociation of the Romanian Jews victims of the Holocaust2008English HolocaustHolocaust survivors respond – Leonard ZaicescuAssociation of the Romanian Jews victims of the Holocaust2008English HolocaustHolocaust survivors respond – Liviu BerisAssociation of the Romanian Jews victims of the Holocaust2008English HolocaustHolocaust survivors respond – Miriam Bercovici Association of the Romanian Jews victims of the Holocaust2008English HolocaustQuality of Witness: A Romanian Diary, 1937-1944Emil Dorian1982English HolocaustRomania Holocaust reportInternational Commission on the Holocaust in Romania2004English HolocaustCartea Neagra: Le Livre noir de la destruction des Juifs de Roumanie (1940-1944)Matatias Carp2009French Holocaust80 ans après le terrifiant pogrom de Iași, la Roumanie se confronte à son passé antisémiteRadio France Internationale news network2021French HolocaustThe Iaşi Pogrom, June–July 1941: A Photo Documentary from the Holocaust in RomaniaRadu Ioanid1983English HolocaustFrom Elite Pamphleteers to Social Movement Protagonists: Antisemitic Activism in 1920s RomaniaRoland Clark2019English Holocaust“He spoke Yiddish like a Jew”: Neighbors’ Contribution to the Mass Killing of Jews in Northern Bukovina and Bessarabia, July 1941Simon Geissbuhler2014English HolocaustThe treatment of the Jews of Bukovina by the Soviet-and-Romanian administrations in 1940-1944V. Solonari2010English HolocaustMarcel Iancu – mărturie inedită despre Pogromul din BucureştiVlad Solomon2012Romanian IsraelAliyaua Romana in IsraelAdian Babes2014English IsraelThe Alyiah from RomaniaAnca Oltean2012English IsraelDeath on the Black Sea: The Untold Story of the ‘Struma’ and World War II’s Holocaust at SeaDouglas Frantz & Catherine Collins2003English IsraelAliyaua Romana in IsraelNaomiRomanian KhazarsAncient History of Central AsiaAdesh Katariya2007English KhazarsThe Khazar Jews Romanian History and EthnographyAdrian Majuru2010English KhazarsEvreii Khazari si etnografie Romaneasca Adrian Majuru2011Romanian KhazarsUntangling False Claims About Ashkenazi Jews, Khazars and IsraelAnti-Defamation League2024English KhazarsThe Thirteenth TribeArthur Koestler1976English KhazarsThe History of the Jewish KhazarsD. M. Dunlop1954English Khazarsrel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>KhazarsEncyclopedia Judaica2007English KhazarsThe Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian HypothesesEran Elhaik2013English KhazarsKhazarshe Khazars: A Judeo-Turkish Empire on the Steppes, 7th–11th Centuries ADMikhail Zhirohov2019English KhazarsThe History of the Khazars Rob Joustra2003English KhazarsAn Unknown Khazar DocumentS. Schechter2007English KhazarsQabars in the Hungarian Tribal FederationSándor László Tóth2022English KhazarsKhazar hypothesis of Ashkenazi ancestryWikipedia websiteEnglish KhazarsWho Were the Khazars?Yehuda Shurpin2024English KlezmerKlezmer music, the Jewish Music of Central and Eastern EuropeAngel Romero2023English KlezmerKlezmer music: the Ashkenazi Jewish traditionEvelyn Ciocan2023English KlezmerSounds and Spaces of Klezmer ‘Revivals’Larry Ray2010English KlezmerKlezmer music short historyMerlin Shepherd2016English KlezmerKlezmer music in a few wordsMichel Borzykowski websiteEnglish KlezmerKlezmer musicWikipedia websiteEnglish Sephardicucharest’s lost Sephardic world_ A letter and photosBetween Wanderings websiteEnglish SephardicThe Sephardic Community of BucharestChristine Leșcu2017English SephardicOttoman Sephardim in the Romanian PrincipalitieseSefarad website2016English SephardicSephardic Jewish Community of Romaniasephardicstudies websiteEnglish SephardicThe Sephardic communities in the Romanian PrincipalitiesFelicia Waldman2020English SephardicVienna—The Cradle of Sephardic SephardismMartin Stechauner2022English SephardicRomanian SephardimThe Asmonean newspaper1856English SephardicComunitatile Sefarde din Romania Banat Valeriu Moraru2016Romanian SephardicSephardimYIVO websiteEnglish TransylvaniaThe Jewish presence in Transylvania from ancient times to modern eraEvelyn Ciocan2023English TransylvaniaOn Transylvanian JewsGido Attila2009English TransylvaniaThe Jews of Transylvania – timelineHolocaust Museum of Northern Transylvania websiteEnglish TransylvaniaThe Transylvanian Jews before the HolocaustRomanian Cultural Institute New YorkEnglish TransylvaniaTransylvania JewsYad Vashem websiteEnglish USA1915 Year Book1st Roumanian American Congregation1915Hebrew USA1919 Year Book1st Roumanian American Congregation1919Hebrew USA1901 Year BookAmerican Jewish1901English USAThe Roumanian Jews In AmericaD. M. Hermalin1901English USAROM-SIG News Fall 1992Jewish Genealogical Special Interest Group for Romania1992English USAROM-SIG News Winter 1992-93Jewish Genealogical Special Interest Group for Romania1992English USAROM-SIG News Spring 2001Jewish Genealogical Special Interest Group for Romania2001English USAThe Jewish Fusgeyer migration movement from early twentieth-century RomaniaDana Mihăilescu2020English USANew York synagogue of the Congregation Adath JeschurinThe Hebrew Standard newspaper1904English USABerlad antisemitismThe Jewish Voice, St. Louis newspaper1899English USAThe Yiddish StageThe Reform Advocate Chicago newspaper1908English USAHusi ritual murder The Reform Advocate, Chicago newspaper1899English